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hex - hexadecimal value

Returns a random hexadecimal value, or converts a decimal to hexadecimal based on the input parameters.

A hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a positional numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16.



hex () Returns a hexadecimal value in the range 0 to F (0 to 15 decimal)
hex ( $decimal ) Converts a decimal value to a Hexadecimal value
hex ( $minimum , $maximum ) Returns a hexadecimal value in the range $minimum to $maximum


$decimal The decimal value to convert. $decimal must be a decimal integer.
$minimum The minimum value for the range in which the hexadecimal value is randomly generated. $minimum must be a decimal integer.
$maximum The maximum value for the range in which the hexadecimal value is randomly generated. $maximum must be a decimal integer larger than $minimum.


Generating random Hexadecimal values

Patter: #hex(0,255)hex(0,255)hex(0,255)

Would return random HTML color codes:

Converting decimal values to hexadecimal

Pattern: hex(255)Will always return: FF

See also

int - number guid / uuid - globally / universally unique identifier bin - binary value oct - octal values