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cip - Catalogue Item Publication

A business message standard from the Data Source to the Source Data Pool to publish an item within the Global Data Synchronisation Network. The CIP can be used to publish the item to a specific Data Recipient or a specific Target Market.

This function returns random CIP numbers or partly random numers to identify specific items.

CIP is a number form the GS1 family.


cip ( ) Returns a random CIP number
cip ( $prefill ) Returns a random CIP number with a prefix $prefill


$prefill The optional parameter to indicate a specific range


Random Catalogue Item Publication numbers

cip() - 7437128715432
Returns random and valid CIP numbers

cip(1337) - 1337116512974
Returns a random CIP number with a pre-filled prefix value of 1337.

See also

gtin - Global Trade Item Number ean - EAN International ucc - Uniform Code Council jan - Japanese Article Number upc - Universal Product Code sscc - Serial Shipping Container Code gln - Global Location Number gcn - Global Coupon Number